Saturday, October 4, 2014

Week 1 Results (Oct 3,14)

Ok so I have only used my bike twice and do drink my pop when I go out but I'm more cautious of what I eat. I only had Starbucks once lol.
I'm not doing as well as I hoped but I'm getting there. Baby steps haha.
On a plus side I did lose a pound! So yay for that right?? My goal is 1.5 pounds a week so not too shabby :)
 I'm only measuring once a month so I'm not sure if anything there has changed, but I doubt it.
Fingers crossed I keep going down on that scale!

Friday, September 26, 2014

Citrus Lane Subscription Box

I ordered a Citrus Lane box for my youngest lol monster. They ask your kids name, gender and birthday. Then they will send a box that is geared toward that age/gender.
The box is $29/ month or you can choose 3 or 6 month plans which are a little bit cheaper.
This was for my daughter who is two and a half.
She received:
* Twinkles to Go from Cloud B (a lil pink octopus that lights up creating shapes on the wall and ceiling) : This went over over amazingly with her and her four year brother!
* Links 3D foam bath pieces from Boon: another loved item from her and her brother!
*Bandaid Tin from Ouchies Jr: bandaids and toddlers. Need I say more?
And then they sent me a sample of 
* Radish Dish Soap from Mrs. Meyers: I have not used this yet.

Final Verdict: very cool box, the kids loved everything and getting packages in the mail is always fun. I'm still unsure of its worth the $29 + shipping but it was cool to try out. We may come back!

Personal 5 Month Goal

SO, I think I'm gonna try this again. This whole "eat better, drink water, move my ass" thing.
I'm giving myself just a touch over 5 months to lose 30 pounds and order from my fav website. I have never ordered from them but I drool over this site on a regular basis.  If money permitted my entire wardrobe would be purchased here. ( CLICK HERE IF CURIOUS )
So the goal is place an order on March 1, 2015! :)

If you've been here a while you would know that's what this blog used to be. That I tried for nearly two years to lose weight. Tried various "helpers" etc, looked up everything online. Had all the tips/tricks, etc and NOTHING. That's why I pretty much gave up....but I'm a masochist I guess cuz I'm trying again. I do have some weight loss products left over so I'm gonna use those up and then I'm on my own.

New plan starts today and Phase 1 will last a month. That's using up my products. Wish me luck!! (I'll update this blog at the end of phase 1 with before/After pics and numbers, but will try to add daily food/exercise journals as much as possible)

Makeup Look of the Day

Makeup just makes you feel more ready for the day haha. I never used to wear makeup but now I'm such a fan. Yes, starting in my 30s is old but #shrug, better late than never right ;)

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Swaag Box: August 2014

Ok, so I have been wanting a subscription box for a long time but there are TONS of options out there!! Holy moly! So while looking into them I came across this TOM box (or Swaag Box).
Basically this is a box you get once a month that is geared toward your feminine side. You choose the sanitary product (tampons/pads) and you know you'll get that! Then you also get a makeup item, a sweet treat and a jewelry item.
The cost is $16 + shipping= $22/month
They will send your box every 28 days to your mailbox!)
Click HERE to receive your first box for only $5!! This is the option I chose. Below you will see what I got in my try me box. I did cancel after receiving this just because I'm not totally 100% sold this is the box I want to subscribe too longer term.
BUT that being said, the more I think about it, the more I think this may be the company I call back and subscribe too lol. Even my oldest daughter liked this idea and she's insanely picky!!

*Always pads
*Candy: blowpop, jolly rancher and sweettarts
*Makeup: 2 Hard Candy eyeliners
*Jewlery: Silvertone bracelet designed like a belt

Please comment down below! Do you receive this box? Is this a pretty standard box to expect? Are you gonna to try it?
(For $5, why not right!? That's the cost of the pads/tampons anyways imo!)

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

New Lip Products! :)

Hi everyone!! So I just purchased a mini lot of various products and included was three random lip items. Now these are just a fast swipe across my mouth, no lip liners. Not to mention, no other face makeup on either. I just wanted to try them and of course share with y'all.
So, here they are! Thoughts? Please comment below and tell me what you think. I love reading what you have to say :)

Monday, August 18, 2014

Avon: Clearskin Black Mineral Mask Review

Hello! Sorry I haven't been back, school is back in session and things kinda got a bit crazy. My oldest is going back to public school but I'm homeschooling my son. Fun times! :)
Ok so Anyhoo on to my review!

Avon: Clearskin Pore Penetrating Black Mineral Mask
I have used this twice now and I'm in love with it!! Here are a few pics for you.

Clearly I applied it a lil thick on my cheeks and it didn't dry fully haha.
See the lovely breakout on my chin? I think I'm gonna chalk that up to stress. I've been having loads on my mind lately and I never breakout but have been having those random chin demons. They bother me so I added acne stuff into my skincare routine lol. Honestly I think if I chill out, it'd help....but that's easier said than done.
Another note is while yes, I do have redness normally, for about twenty minutes or so after this mask my redness is more intense. However, it feels so soft and just refreshed!! I really love this mask! It goes on like a cool lotion and then dries all tight. If you smile or talk, it feels like cracks are forming on your face haha.
If you are interested in trying it, you could click HERE!!! ($6.99)

Monday, July 28, 2014

Coffee Chat 7/28/14

Good morning peeps!
Today I'm impatiently waiting for my mail to arrive. If you check out my routines, you'll see that I plan on using quite a few products. Most of them I ordered and am awaiting on. My hope is start all this fun stuff on Aug 1, 14. So fingers crossed my products make it in time!
Yes, I'm the person that likes starting a plan on the first of a month or a Sunday cuz that's the start of a calendar week lol. It's the planner in me, can't help it.
Since this is my coffee chat, let's talk coffee! Today I'm having a hot cup of Folgers. I take mine with non dairy powdered creamer (I don't measure it, just pour it until it's the color I like) and sugar (way too much actually, I do a little less than 1/8 cup. Odd measurement, I know lol, but there's a 1/4 measuring cup in the sugar container and I use less than half of that) So when I say "normal coffee", that's what I'm referring too :)
(Brand may change, doesn't have to be Folders. I basically have anything on sale)
What's in your cup? How do you like your coffee? Do you drink coffee? Tea?

Speaking of tea, also on the first of Aug, I'm going to start having green tea. I drink WAY too much pop (yes, pop lol!! I'm from the Midwest. Do you have pop or soda?) So, I'm gonna try to sub out pop with Green Tea. Way better for me. I'm getting old so it's time to really take care of myself. Baby steps lol. But yeah, I think drinking a few cups of green tea and slowly removing my pop (caffeine free diet coke) is a pretty good idea.

Talk to you guys tomorrow!

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Oil Pulling

Oil Pulling? What in the world is oil pulling?? Click HERE for more info on what it is and how it works.

How I chose to do it:
Pick your choice of oil. I chose an organic, unrefined, virgin, cold pressed Coconut Oil.
I do it once a day for ten minutes. I put 2 teaspoons in my mouth as soon as I go into the bathroom in the morning, start swishing to be sure to coat every bit of my mouths surface (do NOT gargle or swallow). Then as I'm swishing I do my morning routine, which is listed at top of page if you`re interested!. After I've squished for ten minutes, I spit it into a paper Dixie cup and throw away (or directly into garbage can)
I only do ten minutes in the morning for now but am going to work my way up to another ten during my night time routine as well. I have horrible teeth. Calcium deficiency, added with the birth of each child my teeth are simply crumbling. So I'm a bit nervous lol, but if the ten minutes does ok, I'll add another ten at night! I'll keep you updated! :)
*Remember to never swallow or spit into a sink or shower. The oil will harden later and over time can cause plumbing issues*

{I will insert a pic here of mine plus the price asap}

I have not done this yet, but  is my plan on how I'm going to do it. I'll be sure to make a post about my first time oil pulling!!

It's All New!!!

Hello dear imaginary readers! :)
Notice anything new?? No more "Confessions from a Food Addict"! While I am still a food addict and always will be, I'm no longer wanting to blog based on trying to lose weight. This is simply going to be about what I like, beauty products, recipes, etc etc.Anything and everything goes here now! If I happen to lose weight during this new lifestyle change then: BONUS! But really this is just me now. Learning how to be confident in who I am and exploring my new found interest! Like products!! Omgoodness. I've become such a product whore and am loving it lol. Makeup, skin care, you name it lol!! This coming from the girl who only wore makeup once a month if I was lucky!
I'd been making posts but it was all marked as private. My head nor my heart just wasn't in it anymore. Lots has changed in my life and I'm much happier with how my life is now. So I decided to give this entire blog a makeover. New name, new layout, New me!! Hope y'all stick around :)

PS, for those of you who don't know me. HI!! I'm Cat, mother of three incredibly stressful beautiful perfect children and the wife to the luckiest guy in the world ;)
 For my Mommy Blog click the box over there ----->
{Which I also need to start updating lol}

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